
Seeing as they were already advertising this as the Series finale, I don’t think there’s going to be a cliffhanger.

No closer. But also no further.

Just as far as you were the first time.

You’re absolutely correct. However that doesn’t mean he’s any less your President.

Did you even look at the Jeep he’s driving? Stock bumpers, stock lights, no light bars, no pod lights. No winch. No rock lights.

Toadette isn’t in the equation, so the -ette suffix isn’t in this characters name.

They only made the game, so they’re wrong.

Your logic is falty.

“I just played <word> in Scrabble and it’s worth <x> points.”

That’s a good question.

If I buy this... can you hang into it for 240 months or so until I can come pick it up? :D

I need to run my plans to buy a car that I can’t legally own for another 10 years to my wife.

Because we don’t have time travel now.

The rationale that you were in the right, and she was in the wrong, is astoundingly insightful, sad, and pathetic.

Those objects look nothing alike?

I’ve learned today that you don’t know what a rifle looks like.

You sound precisely like someone who speeds through neighborhoods and tailgates. But somehow have rationalized you’re going nothing wrong.

Alright, I’m starting my longevity plan tonight...

I was here voluntarily. So, I’m as much at fault for this shitshow of a discuss as he is.

Yes. You’re getting an unlimited quantity of talk, text and data.