
“Unlimited” is a reference to how much data you can USE you a month. There is no inference that “Unlimited” has any kind of guaranteed speed, or lacks a speed cap.

You clearly didn’t read anything he typed. He 100% defended the 1.5% fraud rate report, in multiple conversations, with multiple people. He steadfast believes that number is the 100% truth. So yes, I embelished, but I didn’t put words in his mouth.

What’s a Tomb Raider? Is this something I should care about?

I extremely doubt it was the “progressives” that were fighting to disprove the allegations. Somehow that just doesn’t make any sense at all.

How much whiskey is in her “tot” or “nightcap?” exactly?

You’re likely extremely close to the truth, however if you wrote it like that, then they probably said “That’s incorrect” based on some incredibly minor technicality. “It was going to have 599+ HP, not 600+.” Or some bullshit like that.

Didn’t take long for the anti-religious hate speech to start.

All horrific, but I’m not sure the courthouse would be considered a “workplace shooting” since it wasn’t a worker at the courthouse perpetrated the violence.

So, the ebay seller bought these on some kind of sweetheart deal from the second owner... and immediately listed them online in order to make massive profit?

I’ve never said SNAP isn’t a great, valuable program. I think it’s extremely naive for people to believe the fraud rate is 1.5%.

I couldn’t agree more. I simple couldn’t agree more.

“You’re saying that there must be more abuse because....reasons that you fail to elaborate on.” - You

“I can’t bestow my experience to you. I can’t show it to you. I can’t present it to you. All I can do is attest that it does happen in low income, impoverished cities on a much higher rate than 1.5%.” - Me

“But, you’re

Seat belts. So horrific. THE HUMANITY!!!

It’s only a matter of time before it’s involved in some crazy drug-induce violent rager.

This was terrible, not even remotely humorous. I expected more.

That’s just the chemtrails talkin’

Holy fuck you’re an insufferable prick. Kindly go fuck yourself, twat.

Keep shoving your head in the sand man. I don’t really give two shits. If you blindly want to believe this program has an unrealistically low rate of abuse, then believe it.

What “facts” did I propose, exactly?