
Has he done anything in the last 6 years that says he’s still the monster you’re making him out to be?

Insightful. I never knew that everyone with mental health issues have the same exact symptoms that express themselves the same way. Who knew!

Most of your other examples don’t involve the use of government owned, billion dollar, infrastructure.

And yet people continue to agree to the terms of these loans, in droves, on an annual basis.

Why not both?

Per the article, that’s 1,000 that can’t pay their loans.

State issued license.

Or, and I understand this is an outrageous suggestion; possibly the most extreme inhumane options available...

You typically can’t pay loan debt with other lines or forms of credit / debt.

I’d like to see a Borderlands version of this, featuring the finger gun battles from Tales from the Borderlands.

Why do so many car accessories insist on blocking air vents?

Can you spoiler elaborate? I’m not going to play the game, but this is super interesting. :P

A petition? Never in my life have I ever given a petition any kind of credence or consideration as a viable way to express my distaste for something.

What service do you have that has data limit caps?


Because it’s trendy.

Because some people are mature adults that don’t have aversions to common words. So, “moist”, is a great word at describing a food that can potentially be dry and unappetizing.

Is this a direct counter statement to the author’s mention that turkey has “gamey undertones?”

This doesn’t sound like mansplaining...

Zoom zoom.