
So, white people shouldn’t be friendly and talk to black people. Got it.

Virginia would be served well by adjusting it’s attrocious “Car tax.”

It could be a V instead of a M, but I don’t know anything about Transformers to know if VAGA means anything or not.

That’s hot.

You’re totally correct! I smashed definite and the rest of your first sentence all together!

It’s pretty simple, disposables go in larger trash bags. If I had winds strong enough to take away a full bag of recyclables, I’d have other issues to worry about.

I can honestly say that I’ve never “lost” a bag due to the wind before. I’ve reused them plenty of times, and they’re always in the recycling bin where they belong.

Just curious how you can “definitively” declare what happened in a vehicle when one person says one thing, and another says something else?

You’re welcome to swallow California’s load as much as you want dude. It’s your prerogative.

Your government mandates that you’re not allowed to use something, unless you pay more than double it’s value as a “fee” and you don’t think that’s outrageously stepping out of bounds?

That’s a defeatist mentality.

Or, you don’t buy it at all. Stand your ground.

You’re comparing a tenured employee, with vast quantities of experience, to someone new in the position, with significantly less experience in the role?

I guess in this example, it was the complete opposite? I saw the same black person three times, and thought she was different people? Lol.

California, is a state.

Loot boxes should be their own game too.

Good job, it’s almost like this wasn’t addressed in the article.

Reading this story, and reveling in your empire makes me pine for FFXIV, which I haven’t played in at least two years.

We should promote these people more and give them more views.

This looks awful.