
Nah, I’m just trying to gauge your ability to determine what a “time honored tradition” is. Based on your previous chart experience, it’s not looking good.

This, quite frankly, may be one of the most closed minded, thick headed, ignorant replies I have ever read on any forum.

If only you knew how to read charts.

Soooo, how much was this DLC that you completed in a single day?

I’d rather argue that you’re pathetic, and your freedom to type on the internet should be deemed illegal.

Omg, I loved this damn show.

I loved these damn toys when I was a kid.

It’s a fucking movie made for enjoyment, not a real life reenactment.

What in the fuck did you expect them to do? Shake hands? Sign a treaty? Get outta here!!

This looks like a fun movie.

Fucking pervert. I swear.


That’s Australian, not Austrian.

“but has seen his monthly medical coverage costs multiply five times since leaving the force”

I used to do crime scene cleanup. Nothing to this scale, but yes, I can imagine.

He gave up two weeks ago, realizing his fandom wasn’t being recognized and swore himself to a life of monkhood.

Why does this look like a FF3 (VI) rip-off?

Why write a fucking article about Expanded Universe stories about minor characters if you’re going to BITCH about each and every story?

It must suck to be that lazy.

I ordered a cheap game a few weeks ago via Prime. Two days later, while at work, I get the “delivered” notification. I get home and there’s no package to be found. I wait until the next day, still nothing.