Because SJW’s would riot.
Because SJW’s would riot.
It never ceases to amaze me how they keep “finding continents” that have never before been mentioned in the troves of lore that surround WoW.
I 100% understand these protests aren’t ABOUT the military, however they occur during a military exercise / demonstration. This sends incredibly mixed messages to, well, everyone.
So...what’s the point?
At this point, I have no idea what message you’re replying to, so I’ll just sum up everything else I’ve writen in half-a-dozen other replies.
I found the millennial everybody! It’s all about him!
You’re totally right! I already conceded!
From the picture of the dealership, he was also riding on the sidewalk, also beyond a small piece of grass.
You totally got me there. The song that’s about the war of 1812 and fighting the British, which was adopted by the Navy, and then the US is somehow a symbol of the law enforcement agencies that are perpetuating crime against black people.
Agreed, and then we could stop with these misguided protests and come up with some form of protest that is accurate and represents their meaning and cause.
The Star Spangled Banner lyrics “the hireling “ refers to the British use of Mercenaries (German Hessians) in the American War of Independence
● The Star Spangled Banner lyrics “...and slave” is a direct reference to the British practice of Impressment (kidnapping American…
What young person is buying a $40,000+ car new?
Why does it look like a chubby, depressed 2017 Mustang?
I honestly don’t care, but it’s ridiculous to see people pro-protest that don’t understand why some military members are upset.
Fragile snowflakes because they’re choosing to defend something that they literally put their health, safety and life on the line for?
You inability to have a conversation without acting like a petulant child is very indicative of your inability to look at a full situation without bias.
You can keep trying to shoehorn that the Anthem has some direct relationship with the Police, but it’s still not accurate.
Because it was played at a baseball game a long time ago, and the fans loved it. Patriotism was in full-swing and it was adopted across most major public events and gatherings.
I guess you’ve never actually read the words, or understand it’s origins.
Because the flag and the Anthem are very much an ingrained part of the military and military tradition and it’s history.