
That he’s exercising.

The Anthem has nothing to do with the Police, and everything to do with the military. He’s pretty accurate in his refusal of their “award.”

NFL players are protesting the anthem because of what the police are doing, not the military. The Anthem is very much part of military history, not police history.

From what I understand (nothing!!) you just need to remove some bolts and pull on it. It should pop right out!

Go back to the Upside Down where you belong, troll.

I’m sure the shareholders only see the ratings when the general public does.

Never heard of these stories until this week. He always seems like a relatively normal dude.

Thank you for taking the time in proving my point!

It’s possible that he could have some residual from the hive-mind going on, but from all appearances that connection was severed when they turned up the heat in his room.

That’s exactly what they are, just a different shape.

You should bellyache some more, I was starting to enjoy your tantrum.

This is exactly what I was going to ask.

And yet here you are, with the condescending petulant need to open an article about Jeeps, scroll through the 1300 word article, beyond the pictures to the comment section in order to advertise your judgement of all people who like a product that you do not.

Kind of seems like you’re pitching a different show. A good one, but not Stranger Things X.

Recently found out I can’t have kids, so I propose a trade.

Can we have a version of this article that copies the article everytime the word “Bee” appears?

Most of them have been (partially) to the other side.

Seeing as they’ve already agreed to four seasons, and a possible fifth season...this article is pretty silly to begin with.

He didn’t have any powers while he was possessed, why would he gain powers now that he’s no longer possessed?