
It’s still stupid. You can’t “predict” how reliable something is going to be.

Consumer Reports is an artifact of days-gone-by.

“No” still doesn’t mean shit in context of anything you just explained or wrote.

I know you posted this two years ago, but I wanted to remind you of your failure to understand the concept of a “Best Games for Xbox One” list.

Before I met my wife, I online dated on a few different sites for about a year. I met some cool women, had a handful of quality dates and more than a few bombs.

I’ve told my wife the same thing I’m about to tell you:

I’m confused...and I might be mixing up my authors, but didn’t someone VERY recently (with their name published) advertise they reached out to someone that assaulted them when they were younger, asking for an interview?

So, misandry is okay, but misogyny is a plague to society.

Is that what happened? I looked at the Nightfall earlier this week and decided against trying for Rat King because of the modifiers. I ended up in a group and I wasn’t paying attention and my grenades were recharge super fast. Took me a few rooms to realize the modifiers were different than I expected.

You could also get it for free from the Bright Engrams you earn as you play.

Riveting. It’s almost like I asked a question and you answered it, however, I didn’t, so you’re just a dumbass.

I’m glad you’re giving her so much attention, on such a public level.

By Millennials, you mean Centennials, right?

Can I have that when you’re done with it? :D

If you have to dive into a thread and start it with “inb4"’re the problem.

I really enjoyed Hotel. It was a scramble, but I liked it and enjoyed all of the weird various story lines. The ending was unmemorable...

Do you think he’ll make it to prison?

I have a writing question: What does the bracketed text within a quote mean?

I’ll be honest, I didn’t know what AV club was before the Kinjafication. However in my limited time with you, I prefer AV Clubbers vs Gizmoders.

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