
You could also get it for free from the Bright Engrams you earn as you play.

Riveting. It’s almost like I asked a question and you answered it, however, I didn’t, so you’re just a dumbass.

I’m glad you’re giving her so much attention, on such a public level.

By Millennials, you mean Centennials, right?

Can I have that when you’re done with it? :D

If you have to dive into a thread and start it with “inb4"’re the problem.

I really enjoyed Hotel. It was a scramble, but I liked it and enjoyed all of the weird various story lines. The ending was unmemorable...

Do you think he’ll make it to prison?

I have a writing question: What does the bracketed text within a quote mean?

I’ll be honest, I didn’t know what AV club was before the Kinjafication. However in my limited time with you, I prefer AV Clubbers vs Gizmoders.

#Imaperson #August #Donated$5toyournewsletter

These are all Gizmodo sites. They’re all Gizmodo articles.

I’m so tired of Gizmodo shit trying to be Onion shit.

I understand it’s just one facet of a larger situation. However it’s the basis of what I’ve experienced and my outlook.

I understand your message, but your clear option would be to not steal the game and also not buy the game.

So, if I buy these...they’ll be in stock?

So, if I buy these...they’ll be in stock?

I have an unreasonable dislike for this thing.

Honestly, I don’t know.

I don’t think anyone is saying it’s not difficult, or requires skill.