
Thanks for explaining something to me, in regards to an article about the unnecessary condescending explaining of things to people.

Can we just agree that Chinese gamers are the worst?

It was a joke that missed the mark. Lol. I understand that my library usage is part of an over-arching system that keeps publishers and authors in business.

You’re adorable.

Still works.

Don’t flatter him.

I just read it for free from the library.


And then get into intense conversations with the sales people while only referring to the couches by number.

Don’t be racist.

Jesus. You fit every stereotype that exists about WoW players.

Don’t be mistaken. He’s not downplaying anything, he’s trying to be an internet badass to brag about how awesome he is. “Oh, I could do that, but I just don’t want to. It’s not worth my time.”

That’s exactly what they just described.

Marie. Her name was Marie.

You have a great example...but you basically are ignoring the annual tradition of Easter ducklings and chicks as presents.

“You’re not gay, and it’s okay when other people are.”

Don’t forget the Cold Air Intake.

Don’t say #redpill, that’s a pro-Men’s Rights movement and that’s shunned around here.

It wouldn’t be a huge concept to neutralize HCR within PVP, while leaving it in PVE.

That’s a very specific nightmare.