
Seeing as you’re quoting me out of context, I can just sit here and point out that you proved my point.

... sarcasm.

I mean, it’s a good looking mini-van...who cares?

If you want to take my comment out of context, I guess you’re entitled to that.

Education means nothing. I know plenty of people with degrees in fields they know nothing about. It has nothing to do with gender. There are morons of both genders.

If only that were true. Lol. I wish my mortgage were half of that.

You being triggered is interrupting my safe space in the comments section!

Of course.

They were discussing hakchi2, which wasn’t in beta yet. It was available for those willing to try...but there wasn’t an official beta release at the time of the article.

I used to not care, but I’ve been using fuel cash-back App Upside, and now I’ll specifically drive a mile or two to a station with higher cash-back vs price differences.

Didn’t Kotaku cover this last week?

It’s not, they canceled it due to all the whining.

Neat. I guess I’m going to go play with some Black Widows then.

Man, I miss ICQ.

Still Destiny 2, Riley.

It was also free with Xbox Live last month. Maybe this month too.

I appreciate your staunchly worded demands, followed by a rebuttal to hypothetical criticisms. It’s like you just want to yell into a vacuum, have it be accepted without a response and to move on.

A tool for hunting, providing food, and (as much as you don’t want to hear it) entertainment. I’ve amateurishly participating in competitive shoots. I also enjoy skeet shooting and target shooting. It’s a skill-set I grew up with.

Once they get the styling less “concepty” I think I’ll take one.

*Never loaded in the house.