
I assume that’s a fair assessment. However, in my opinion, like everything else, precautions needs to be taken to ensure they aren’t dangerous. To me, they’re a tool, nothing different than my woodworking equipment (which is also dangerous to soft fleshy humans). They needs cleaned, they need cared for, and they need

I appreciate the condescending tone of your reply. You made your intentions apparent at the start, I knew who I was engaging with when I replied the first time.

“For fuck’s sake, why do you need four guns?

Hybrid Turbo? Is that a thing?

I think that guy with the gun is the actual murderer. The man that killed him was part of his security detail.

I have a handgun, I have a shotgun, and I have two Ruger 10-22's, one was my grandfather’s and one is a purpose built competition target gun.

Freedom of choice is a Hell of a thing.


DATF doesn’t regulate accessories, only firearms.

You would need to fire hundreds of rounds in a very short succession to damage or warp a barrel.

You’re 100% correct, let’s just scrap the whole idea. Moving on, let’s talk about abortion.

I disagree though, it -does- make sense from a certain stand point. The ATF regulates firearms, not accessories. Bump-stocks, are an accessory.

I’m a man, literally never of heard of this as a “Men’s Rights” movement.

Paul is dead.

They don’t drink Fosters.

As his self-appointed agent, President Zod declines to make any statements regarding his statement that he, “asks his wife for nudes massages all the time. Like, literally just texted her.” Additionally, he is also not commenting on his comment that he is “Waiting for a response.”

No one cares.

Personally, I don’t have an issue with registries and background checks. However, I can try to offer some “insight” into why people are against registries.

Those fucking kids broke that Porta-potty.

No one is going to attempt to explain mooning to Gaseous Clay.