
It’s not, they canceled it due to all the whining.

Neat. I guess I’m going to go play with some Black Widows then.

Man, I miss ICQ.

Still Destiny 2, Riley.

It was also free with Xbox Live last month. Maybe this month too.

I appreciate your staunchly worded demands, followed by a rebuttal to hypothetical criticisms. It’s like you just want to yell into a vacuum, have it be accepted without a response and to move on.

A tool for hunting, providing food, and (as much as you don’t want to hear it) entertainment. I’ve amateurishly participating in competitive shoots. I also enjoy skeet shooting and target shooting. It’s a skill-set I grew up with.

Once they get the styling less “concepty” I think I’ll take one.

*Never loaded in the house.

I assume that’s a fair assessment. However, in my opinion, like everything else, precautions needs to be taken to ensure they aren’t dangerous. To me, they’re a tool, nothing different than my woodworking equipment (which is also dangerous to soft fleshy humans). They needs cleaned, they need cared for, and they need

I appreciate the condescending tone of your reply. You made your intentions apparent at the start, I knew who I was engaging with when I replied the first time.

“For fuck’s sake, why do you need four guns?

Hybrid Turbo? Is that a thing?

I think that guy with the gun is the actual murderer. The man that killed him was part of his security detail.

I have a handgun, I have a shotgun, and I have two Ruger 10-22's, one was my grandfather’s and one is a purpose built competition target gun.

Freedom of choice is a Hell of a thing.


DATF doesn’t regulate accessories, only firearms.

You would need to fire hundreds of rounds in a very short succession to damage or warp a barrel.

You’re 100% correct, let’s just scrap the whole idea. Moving on, let’s talk about abortion.