I disagree though, it -does- make sense from a certain stand point. The ATF regulates firearms, not accessories. Bump-stocks, are an accessory.
I disagree though, it -does- make sense from a certain stand point. The ATF regulates firearms, not accessories. Bump-stocks, are an accessory.
I’m a man, literally never of heard of this as a “Men’s Rights” movement.
Paul is dead.
They don’t drink Fosters.
As his self-appointed agent, President Zod declines to make any statements regarding his statement that he, “asks his wife for nudes massages all the time. Like, literally just texted her.” Additionally, he is also not commenting on his comment that he is “Waiting for a response.”
No one cares.
Personally, I don’t have an issue with registries and background checks. However, I can try to offer some “insight” into why people are against registries.
Those fucking kids broke that Porta-potty.
No one is going to attempt to explain mooning to Gaseous Clay.
I’m assuming he didn’t resist arrest, or wasn’t armed when they took him down.
He’s a felon, he’s already can’t legally own a firearm for the rest of his life.
When I first saw the header image, I thought this was going to be an article talking about “Will Ferrell’s Sean Connery has been replaced by this new skit character.”
Most of these stories just sound like “there are assholes working in the kitchen.”
I’m going to attempt to answer your wall of text as succinctly, and accurately as I can...
This person looks like a woman, wearing a fake beard, trying to look like a man.
Okay, I keep seeing things like this and in most states, the Government DOES give a shit.
I appreciate the fact that you posted this, in an article about a situation, where the girlfriend/wife/spouse wasn’t killed by a large quantity of firearms.
Because he should have said “Those fucking Police didn’t find this guy in a thousand room hotel fast enough. What losers. Sad.”?
Can I read them on my Kindle?
Can I read them on my Kindle?