
This is atrocious.

Completely the Police’s fault your hypothetical “black or hispanic” poor person committed a felony.

Two of your three examples are felonies, so, not exactly minor crimes in the eyes of the law.

That’s just silly, since the headlight slides out with ease for replacing the bulb. You can pop the hood, do your thing, and close the hood within 1-2 minutes.

Why exactly should anyone care, what someone else thinks about their purchases and what brings them joy?

Why exactly do you think there is something wrong with him?

I’m unsure if there is anyone that NEEDS a luxury pickup truck.

No, you’re not a lone.

Criminals aren’t exactly known to be the brightest of individuals. Just going by the article the Officer told him to leave. There’s no indication the Office was even charging him with anything. However something caused the suspect to pull a gun on the Officer, and then leave.

Man, content must be lacking. All of these Comments of the Day are just things I read earlier in the day.

Neat. A video on a new article blog site.

I’m still disappointed about the whole Kingdoms of Amalur as well :(

You must have a hard life.

This isn’t new, at all, it’s just more vocal because of the internet.

I think the issue is that the National Anthem has nothing to do with the Police.

Perhaps so, Mexican Blade Runner, perhaps so.


He ceased being a dumpster diver when he drew a weapon on an officer.