
Duct tape model photo?


The irony of people complaining about the new Evolution being “different” is not lost on me.


I stopped reading the quotes after one of the early ones said something about Nazi’s...

Personally, I feel that it’s already factory “riced up” to a point where I wouldn’t want one. I want to like it, I just...can’t. Maybe I’m old in my 30's and those days are behind me, but I just can’t look at it without seeing cars from Need for Speed Underground.

I’d just be impressed that someone would let me play in a baseball game.


But then you interrupted it. :(

Other games have advertised this “The computer learns how you play” mechanic, and I can’t remember any of them actually pulling it off.

I mean, he did it the first time to the US. That couldn’t have been cheaper than going to a different Mexican state.

Clearly you wouldn’t be the one giving these lessons. Your post is less human than his post.

He was referring to the fact that he had previous history with these gangs which is what lead to his death.

What does being white, or not white have to do with this situation, or what the commenter you replied to, posted?

I don’t think so.

I’m going to stream myself getting pissed, because I’m watching your stream of jrobinson’s stream of him watching someone else’s stream, and I won’t be able to see the pixelated seed stream.


I don’t see a pistol in that gif.

He’s not incorrect though. The primary cast of FMA are European (German), not Asian.