

Can you explain how this is a bad idea?

I’d buy you a beer if I could.

Professional sports (that was a hell of a punch!), some tech company, and on a sex offenders watch list.

Those are some incredibly frightening looking dark colored polygons on a pitch black background.

How does this operate without 18 wings and fake vents?

Not sure I’d finish an interview where someone asked my political affiliation. As an employer, that’s none of your fucking business. If you ask that, or you try to gain that information...then you’re breaking more than a few hiring laws.

Ding ding ding.

Gah, if you’re going to do something that’s against the law, or against rules, or against someone’s policy...

What if this whole thing goes full circle?

...get off of my lawn.

*swoon* I love that fucking car.

Are bodykits still a thing? I thought they mostly died off.

I don’t like either, but I’d rather have the M2 if these were my only options.

So, you spend $60 for a game, resold it for (estimated) $35, because you didn’t like the character you made?

Truck got lighter, truck got bigger, truck got less functional...

Old Beetle vs New Beetle.


What’s the second image? The black one?

Excuse me.