Hey Nineteen

No, not really. Wait are you saying that she is anatomically a man?

But what I’m asking is, does that matter? Seems that if you’re in the allowed testosterone range then you’re in the range. Everything else is discrimination.

After a disastrous first season with the Raiders, many are now wondering if John Gruden can get it done in Oakland. He’s made some mistakes both on and off the field. Gruden was brought on board to be the glue that holds this franchise together now that Al Davis is dead, however he has turned out to be a polarizing

Doesn’t it seem a little problematic that a woman whose testosterone falls within the allowed range isn’t allowed to compete?

First let me say I agree with you. You’ve got some good points. We should also acknowledge how fair this movement has been to people like Harvey Weinstein. 

Does this testosterone range rule prevent a transgendered woman from competing if her levels are in the female range?

Good one grampa!

Ben Shapiro is the best debater of all time. What he lacks in height he more than makes up for in intellectual integrity and prowess. A master.

Trump will just forfeit California and disregard all of this.

No, I have. I like to support Shapiro on the internet because he is so transparent in what he’s doing and so awful at trying to hide it. He’s a neocon trying to hide out in the social right. All online Shapiro support is ironic.

Tell your boy at Great Hill to @ me.

I think we just need to move on and forget about OJ. I’ll always remember him for the good things he did though.

It’s all about context. If your community was starving under a fascist regime and you stole some food and had a gun in your pocket.. serious crime? I say no. Same applies here. No harm no foul, plus it was his memorabilia anyway.

Ben Shapiro is the leader and an absolute animal on the debate stage.

Just saying everyone deserves fair trials. Who possibly could disagree with that one?

Ok but did you realize that was for trying to steal an autographed picture of... himself? With guns I believe. He was totally and completely exonerated by a jury that proved him innocent of that other issue.

Stopped reading at “You are correct.”

I don’t think he’s a troll, I think he’s just mistaken. A couple helpful tips and corrections should clear this up.

All thanks to Ben Shapiro.

Apples to oranges.