Hey Nineteen

That’s literally a oxymoron aka one thing prevents the other. Not possible. 

1) OJ was completely exonerated of all charges by a jury of his peers. He was proven innocent. That’s how this works. That’s how justice works.

Innocent until proven guilty is the bedrock of our legal system though.

Hey, what gives?

I thought that article was debunked. Either way that guy should never have done jail time under UN statues.

It’s getting impossible to tell which claims and accusations are real and which ones are made up for political and personal reasons. #MeToo has gone too far. There is no way Epstein will get a fair trial in the US. His trial should be relocated to a different country.

Policits has always been part of sport. Jackie Robinson? Just because you don’t like Kaep doesn’t mean he’s the one who started it. He didn’t start anything, it’s always been this way.

That Iraqi journo is still in jail for that btw.

Whoever is making these memes: Make more and distribute widely on social media.

The poor will never rise up so long as the poor continue to be diluted with “refugees” whose new life on welfare is ten thousand times better than their life in Honduras, Syria, or Sub Saharan Africa. Please get a clue.

Abortion literally saved my life.

Full steam ahead. Abortion should be opt out.

Instead of buying a Chromebook could I just get a Chinese intel agent to live in my home?

If you know how to use Twitter add-ons correctly you can export likes and favorable replies to excel. From there it’s a simple matter of aggregation.

No love for hacking innocent people but kinda proud to see competent female hackers popping up. Brave woman.

Warez was 90s...

Kilmeade, not a smart man. But maybe that’s a good thing. Consider his audience. They are at home watching tv during production hours. Why they are home during production hours is not the point. They may have good reason. But that they are home and choosing to watch television, a famously poor use of time, is all we

Top Republicans like: Comey, Mueller, Brennan, Clapper, Rosenstein and all the neocon Republicans (and Dems) that supported aided and abetted them.

Concentration Locations - Rolls off the tongue; Alliterative