
You might as well ask if she’s elite while you’re plumbing the depths.

Take it easy, Klosterman.

Jesus, dude, just ask someone else to homecoming.

Don’t worry, we’re not.

How bored are you that this your afternoon?

Cute and hilarious? Just ask them out already, jeez.

Well, we can officially retire ‘butt-hurt’ from the lexicon if granddads are using it.

oh my god, shut up.

The things you just described are either illegal or lease related issues.

It’s a terrible system. Think about putting it into practice anywhere else: classroom, office, volunteer organization, etc. It’s the kind of system that strict parents devise for young children.

This isn’t an ethical issue. They absolutely already paid for the interview by dint of being under the same ownership. Plus, as said above, this isn’t journalism, it’s entertainment. Their inability to separate the two shouldn’t be someone else’s problem.

“So in 2013, when TCU won just four games during its second season in the Big 12, there was no shortage of people saying, “Hurr, this is big-boy football. Mid-majors should stick to their mountains, hurr.” Thus began the era of TCU beating the shit out of the Big 12.”

Are there two types of blue waffles out there or can I continue throwing up in my mouth?

I mean, what you said isn’t really true. So, no, I don’t really understand your point.

Why are you so bad at writing?

Hanes, too.

I heard that Wait Wait too.

Well if you’re from South Bend, you definitely didn’t get into ND.

Where’d you go to school?

Yup, you figured it out. It’s all about that race.