steel murkin

No rules against fucking yourself over.

Wait. Which Gerald did this?

I’m glad they showed the highlight of him securing his jacket on the bench. Kid’s got some fucking moves!!

Well, for example:

I love a motorsports video where I can jump ahead 2 full minutes and the picture is exactly the same.

I almost made this mistake in a work email on my iPhone. The N is right next to the B! And I was very distressed to learn, later, that you CANNOT remove the N-word from the iPhone built in dictionary. That’s insane.

I don’t know why I can’t resist pointing out: You can’t miss certain annihilation. /pedantic

Don’t forget to LIE about teaching that kid out in public. After you teach him out in public. That was the best part!

You want out of this parking lot? OK!

Many states went well out of their way to make sure enrollees DID NOT realize they were signing up for O’care. Because that’s what it took to get them to sign up. 

Respect for the overhand grip.

Angry Grandpa my ass. That weepy old sack needs to harden the fuck up.

I mean, for starters, he could have spent half that fare on the fanciest hotel room in all of green bay and had plenty left over for a couple hookers.

Doesn’t that place have a coat closet? Or heat?

Suction cups. How the fuck do those work?

What he said. We’re all in this together, man. Keep the cats.

I’m fairly certain that HIPAA does not cover celebrity sex tapes.

Get that steering wheel bolted on nice and tight. And then do a burnout straight to a dermatologist’s office. Yikes.

That medic that shows up in the end of the .gif doesn’t seem to be in a huge hurry to, you know, touch him or anything.