
Doug is the type of guy.......

Throttle not linear, HUGE dead spot approaching 5k rpm, rev hang. Cobb/MAP stage 1 fixes that.

I read that sentance 10 fucking times and still don’t understand it.

Turbo is bad extra good.

My WRX for having the shittiest stock tune known to man, forcing us to risk warranty issues with a Cobb. Fuck you Subaru!

2 doors are more comfortable for tall people, as the b-pillar is all the way the fuck back there

Looks good on a GTI, not so much on a WRX, in my opinion.

Ditto! I wish I had went with a clear bra, Subarus are known for their soft paint.

The .1% :)

BMW? Audi?

I didn’t even know that was a thing for Jeep guys. The WRX community is nuts about that.

Now I’m sad. Personally, I don’t do the WRX car scene. Being 43 years old, I’m always the oldest guy there. I am definitely not the prototypical WRX owner. I will admit to doing the WRX nod/wave to fellow owners on the road.

Came here to quote that

95% of the driving public does not understand this. Most people just think there is only one kind of tire, all seasons.

That might be a tad of an exaggeration, but the jist of it is true. A better way to say it is, a FWD with snows is better than a WRX with all seasons, aka “NO seasons”.

Even the most sophisticated jalopers could benefit from “basic” driving tips :)

Agreed, but this is jalop, so I would say that a larger part of the people on here DO in fact care about summer tire performance.