Hands hit the wiper lever on the column.
Hands hit the wiper lever on the column.
Wow! Good find!
Given that my dad sold his 1988 Pickup with 350,xxx miles and a moderate amount of rust for $4500 a few years ago (and very quickly, too!), 10-grand is definitely not out of whack for a rock solid 1980s Toyota truck.
Is it bad that anytime I think of FJ Landcruiser, I think of the death of Marissa Cooper?
The Kotaku Fix is an amazing browser extension by BlueTunic. Installing it makes the comments readable again.
I'm just wondering if there's a paradigm shift — years ago, you were the envy of everyone around you if you had an expensive house and expensive car. But now, every time I see somebody with an expensive house or car, I just think of how saddled they are with debt, and I almost feel bad for them, because I know the 80%…
Sort of like when Cadillac advertised their CTS-V's 556hp being 5hp more than the BMW M5. Numbers sell.
19 years old and a $26K debt? Wow.
Simple: Manufacturing costs. People ride in the backseat of coupes, but not often enough to warrant manufacturing another door. Manufacturing another door and accounting for structural engineering and all that costs a shit-ton of money over a production run, believe it or not.
Yeah I don't get all the criticism. We haven't had cars like this in more than 10 years, been wishing for them to materialize, and now that they have everybody's dogging them.
Not understanding here...the 3rd has a practical use other than just deflating insurance costs a bit — so rear passengers won't have to do a slow-motion cannonball over the front seat into their position.
I hate it, but I love it, and I would have killed to show up to my 10-year high school reunion in that a few weeks ago.
True story, even in real life. We need to bring cars proportioned like that back one day, where the back window was as big as the windshield, and you didn't need no damn cameras and lane-departure assists!
The grey market route is correct. There is a small handful of them in the States, and by that I mean possibly a few dozen.
That's not an M5 Touring, but rather an amazing-looking, well-accessorized regular E34 touring.
Fun fact: I was in Toys R Us shopping for a birthday gift for my nephew a few weeks ago and decided to glance at the Hot Wheels cars. I was stunned when I saw both a Datsun 510 and BMW 2002 in 1:64 form. Even toy manufacturers know what's up!
Yeah I think the BRZ and FR-S are bringing that sexy back. Car trends are cyclic. We didn't have much in the way of small, light, and fun in the 60s and 70s (muscle cars were all-steel, heavy asses). Then came the fuel problems, then came small and light cars in the 80s and 90s. Then they got big and fat again, then…
I think the F10 looks smaller than the E60 (they did a great job with the lines), but who cares. Fucking thing weighs 3,800-4,300lbs, depending on motor and trim.
I have an E36 M3, my old roommate has an E30 325is with more than twice the miles that he bought for $1800 (fuck you, NorCal!). As much as I hate to admit, his car just feels more solid and fun than mine.
HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLY FUUUUUUUCK....the lols were great with this one.