
But not when they're passengers.

I know plenty of people who are pro-choice but anti-abortion (i.e., "I would never get an abortion because I'm personally against it, but that's every woman's choice to make for herself.") That is a perfectly valid viewpoint.

DemonPunchCerb, you are wrong, and you have a lot to learn about transgendered persons.

you went full asshat. Not surprising considering your little gif there.

I see you haven't read the other comments on here. I'm surprised that comment doesn't have 100s of stars. People here are...stupid.

Not all women are born female at birth, just to tell you. Who are you to tell her that she is a man and that she is still a man regardless if she has been taking hormones and still has manly features? It's her life, it's her choice. If she feels like she was tapped in a wrong body, so be it. Don't be an asshole.

Let's be real about this: you are a humongous bigot.

" DO NOT SIT AT THE FRONT in any showing trust me =("

I'm surprised your comment even got 1 star.

Man, I was hoping you'd just stop, and your comment just kept going on and on and on.


"Let's reduce the number of abortions!"


"Here are contraceptives!"

"Hoorrraaaaa wait a second...."

Come ooonnnn Hollywood. I need gay and trans rom-coms! Push America's boundaries. Make people question their sexuality. Lets get some Female Gaze goin'. Lets get some dudes who are all "omg wut" at their trans lady friend protag only to grand-gesture 15 minutes later because his socially-ingrained reaction wasn't

No, silly! He wants to end slutty slut sex. Duh.

oh you guys are so sweet, i just saw all these! of course i will miss you. every one of you, even the ones who say the gifs are distracting them from the content.

Something just occurred to me...Kanye West belongs on It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. He would fit in perfectly.

Lindy, I just really love you. That's all. Keep on keepin' on, you rad lady.

A few of my actor friends have met him and I have it on pretty solid authority that he digs men.

No Spaceball One? D:


Seeing her tear it up as Nickles on OITNB is a real pleasure. She's one of those actors I just assumed was going to end up dead before 30. So creepy about Brando, though. Guys who boob-grab sans consent should lose a hand.