
Absolutely agreed. To me, she seems very much like a smart young person in a tough social situation who's figuring herself out in the spotlight. I don't see that she has much choice about that spotlight, either; when she was younger, she established herself as being in the spotlight, and it's hard to pull back from

Being too poor to properly take care of a much-beloved pet is heartbreaking. One of the worst feelings in the world, easily. I know, I'm there right now. :(

High five from another member of the Microwave Brigade. Frozen hamburger for me! Everyone else's dinners sound delicious, but also labor intensive.

Yeah, he even says further down in the article that he thinks the abuse must have actually just been a mutual disagreement, since Rihanna went back to him after and why would she do that if it was abuse?

I am also sad about being relegated to the grey. :( Hopefully this is a system they'll keep tweaking.

Co-signing with everyone else who thinks the tone in this is a bit... off. :\

Whoah. Is it just me, or did Michael Ian Black's icon look startlingly like Mr. Rogers after reading Andrew WK's tweet? The power of suggestion!

Yeah. It just makes me feel broken, that I can't manage this simplest of things, this most basic of regular bodily functions. (Well, okay, maybe some are more basic...) It's the falling asleep that really baffles me most; I simply cannot imagine what it's like to drift off "before my head hits the pillow", as the

Oh, my fucked-up relationship with sleep. :(

It's especially nice to see that she's dancing a bit like a dork, so no one feels intimidated or like they can't dance well enough to join in. Speaking as someone who can only ever dance like a dork, that means a lot.

I know this is sort of a late comment, but I wanted to post in support of your decision not to do LSD. I haven't done it in years and years, and LSD was always my favorite experience, but it's heavily predicated on your mindset going into the trip. And it's heavy stuff, mentally speaking. Bad trips suuuuuuck.

First time I've heard of her, but Kathleen Rice sounds pretty awesome.

Disagree. Those are certainly good reasons not to start smoking, but it should still be a choice.

First thing on the internet to make me laugh out loud this morning. You totally get an internet cookie for this!

Fuck the fucking fuckers.

100% agreed. Just... so hard to accomplish, these days.

Holy fucking shitballs. I want to puke all over that man out of pure rage.

I loved that description. It was like she just casually tossed off a snippet of poetry.

If I can venture a somewhat apolitical opinion... I think their uncle is right. Strip away any political or religious trappings, and in the end, people blow things up because they want attention. While their claimed goals may be political, I suspect the real impetus was the desperate need to be a Big Damn Someone.

The tone of this article is... sort of a mess, and all over the place. It feels very fragmented, and like the writer's main goal was to get the most snark bang for his buck out of every sentence, rather than to convey some kind of cogent point.