Other signs this guy has done:
Other signs this guy has done:
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I’m pretty sure you don’t actually know most straight men. Sure he’s handsome as hell but sex? No thanks.
Go back in time and assassinate William Rehnquist before he could revive the Confrontation Clause in his opinion in Crawford v. Washington?
That’s almost literally what happened to Utley in 2007, but John Lannan doesn’t throw 96 MPH.
Nate Diaz is like your drunk older cousin who’s kinda cool but also scares the shit out of you and you hope you never end up like him.
Personally, I am happy that he is coming to the Rapids, as you noted his form at Everton has been on the downslope, but I think he will be a good draw for Colorado fans.
Why is it that Americans only hate diving and faking stuff to get a call in soccer?
This happens in basketball ALL the time.
This happens in football a ton of the time.
It happens in baseball and hockey to a lesser extent, because of the nature of those sports (not many judgment calls, and tough-guy mentality…
Certain Fallon d’Floor finalist.