
It’s because everyone’s parents signed up to a site that was meant for college life parties. There’s pictures of me doing keg stands from 8 years ago and now people post their children who absolutely no one but their parents give a flying fuck about

Competing for a title in a decade haha theres a lebron james in the upcoming draft? Your fucking delusional

Your a real person not some one playing a stereo typical raging douche bag femenist who fronts intellectually but couldn’t put together a coherent convincing intelligent argument with their shit brains if their life depended on it. If all rape is hate crime, which I’m sure there’s never been a psychotic who

Hmmmm do you think rural Chinese know about hipsters in new York? So when someone’s writing something they should be concerned about offending someone unfamiliar with the context in a fancy hut 15,000 away from the place of it’s intended publication. Such a pussy, theyre mildly insulted over there you know, this is

Yeah i wonder if this contract takes into account changing technologies in broadcasting. We could have wireless 3d chips implanted in our heads by then

Fast and furious is not that serious

Hopefully now that he’s kicking ass and making bank with fans that appreciate his style, don’t act like you didn’t have fun playing with dumb shit when you were little. We had ferocious games of ball with a taped wiffle ball bat and a tennis ball shit was so cash.

Wow your a piece of shit, albiet a funny one +1

The police officer was a dick riding douche

Tired ticket fairy* being a cop has no relation to being a soldier except being the preferred job for when they come home and still crave the ability to act like a macho asshole.

Dude reved his engine and didn’t go over the 35 mph speed limit, people just don’t like cops anymore more because 7 to 8 times out of 10 theyre rude lying assholes. Probably went home cried about how dangerous handing out tickets and giving people attitude all day is and then beat his wife. Cops are scum bags

Only when you want to fuck with some uppitty niggers night -APD

You’ll be dead before that happens, humans are to too stupid to make that drastic of a change over a generation or two

It’s a good thing the legislature is focused on the important issues down there. Shows what level the people are operating at down there, not education the economy, the environment, no we need to make sure were protected from those evil buttfukerz.

Looks like the legendary internet picture of the guy spreading his asshole, i forgot the proper name for it, oh wait goatse?

The united States should tell some of these southern States to get the fuck out of the Union. The reason this country isn’t a leader in anything but being a joke anymore is a bunch of dumb un educated white men and religious fuck tarts. I love America and it’s sad to see.

Which is jack shit compared to 50 60 years most people get so what’s your point?


My dad bought an NES for himself when it came out back in the day your an idiot

Lol just like the 5 past rape cases that made national news that ended up being made up bull shit