
Bullshit. How you spend your money is a vote for the kind of world you want. And we learned from Palmer Luckey that when you give douchebags your money, they sometimes go on to use it for douchebag purposes (his financial support of a Trump group with it’s expressed purpose of “shitposting in real life.”) “None of

I was trying to remember what bad feeling I had about this game, turns out it was the gamergate stuff. I looked into his recent tweets and it seems he hasn’t changed. After the French election he tweeted:

> shoes in those places, and other items should you need them.

> who DOESN’T strip down to show off her car

> Also, nicotine is meant for me, when I inhale, it gets to my bloodstream, that’s why there is no trace of it in second hand vapour.

No, he’s not. He’s a professor of Community Health Services, not the “leader of public health resercher [sic]”. Professor ≠ researcher. And it’s still a garbage study in the link that tests the air in ONE vape shop. That’s not peer reviewed scientific research. Don’t be so desperate to find evidence that supports

> Idiot.

> Dr Siegel is very well respected

You’re spamming the same garbage links. It’s a blogspot article about one vape shop.

A blogspot article with testing from one vape shop? Not exactly a peer reviewed scientific article.

I think he’s said elsewhere that the intention is to also give access to digital assets - concept art, 3D assets, or maya scene files.

I don’t have the slightest interest in your opinions on their articles so please move them all to a personal blog and get them off the comments section of a political article. Thanks! Bye!

How upsetting that you have to scroll past things you don’t want to read! Are you okay? I know this must be a trying time for you. I hope you’re able to save up your strength in your scrolling fingers for another attempt in the morning.

I’m pretty sure the current President is trying to derail the current President.

I find Piven to be incredibly creepy and the personification of the douche bro. Remember when he was on that “Journey of a Lifetime Show”? He was walking around poverty stricken areas of India with a “Eat Carbs” shirt, too clueless to realize how messed up that is.

The whole thing is a silly idea. You’re going to kill someone for a massive cover up and you don’t put an extra bullet in his head while he’s on the ground breathing?

Except whoever shot him left him alive. The Russians would’ve finished the job, that much is sure.

Here he is a paid event for RT (Russia Today) sitting next to Putin. He failed to disclose this payment to the US Army, per requirements.

Most of them aren’t.