> Please, you don’t get to paint my ethnicity as a problem and then demand I defend myself.
> Please, you don’t get to paint my ethnicity as a problem and then demand I defend myself.
> Tell me more about the significance of my whiteness on my argument.
Ah, so you’re a white guy.
I didn’t say you looked bad, just that the Venn diagram of middle-aged white guy and “well actually” internet comments is a perfect circle.
You look like exactly the kind of guy that would write a “well actually” comment like this.
> but if the quality of the statement is good, then crapping on me if I were sincere with that one hashtag kind of seems like a dick move
Well, shit. still... Poe’s Law.
Oh, man. You got so close. You had a really good, reasonable comment and then ended it with as hashtag that says “I’m an ignorant piece of shit that voted for a racist who brags on tape about groping women!” So close, man.
I mistakenly thought these were in widespread use:
I mistakenly thought these were in use:
I never said bomb proof, I specifically said bomb resistant. But my bad: I mistakenly thought the Fly-Bag container replacement with its elastomeric coating + shear thickening fluid was a thing that was in use.
Technically the packages in the cargo hold are put into bomb resistant (but not bomb proof, obviously) containers, but, yeah, this is still dumb for all the reasons people have listed.
Go elsewhere, snowflake. Trump is a disaster for this country. Anyone still supporting him is a moron whose opinion doesn’t matter.
Rebuttal? Sure. You make no sense and contradict yourself - you both claim words with pictures can’t be stolen and can be stolen. You seem to have some definition of meme and are VERY ANGRY the rest of us aren’t using it.
Shame on me for expecting you to read more than the headline, I guess? Besides, memes can be stolen - if I come up with a variation on the joke and you rip it, remove attribution, and post it through a team of workers/interns that systematically aggregate ripped material in order to garner advertising revenue, isn’t…
There’s a difference between editorializing and giving credit and just straight up stealing jokes/ideas in a purposeful system to score advertising deals without writing any content of your own.
> How the fuck does one go about stealing one?
That you can’t differentiate between a private citizen who has just finished serving the country for 8 years and is free to do whatever the fuck job he wants, and a current government employee using her position and status for personal benefit, in violation of both nepotism laws and the Emoluments clause of the…
> but I was shot in the leg