
Because the rich won’t be as affected by climate change as the rest of us because they’re, you know... rich - if they lose a vacation home, they’ll still have others or the money in the bank where it won’t devastate them.

Wow, a country with 4x our population emits more emissions than us when they bring their population out of poverty and they want the same consumer goods and luxuries all of us want? Good work, Sherlock.

No joke - the futurist (I guess that’s how you describe him?) Douglas Rushkoff was hired by some ultra rich group for a talk about our possible future, and instead of asking him the usual technology questions, they wanted to know things like: How do I keep my guards loyal to me when it gets really bad? What about

It’s a crime thriller in the vein of 70s crime thrillers like THE KILLING OF A CHINESE BOOKIE and MEAN STREETS, or other early thrillers from that era from Scorcese, Lumet, stc, so, no, I don’t find it weird at all, especially if you’ve seen their earlier movie GOOD TIME, which has the same kind of fast-paced

Uncut Gems wasn’t sci fi and wasn’t particularly weird.

And because allowing things such as dumping coal ash into rivers is great at cutting costs but not so great if you live downstream and like drinking clean water.

Also fascinated by that “Suck it up, buttercup” shirt, as Trump has whined on twitter non-stop for the last three years, about everything from crowd size to weather forecasts to impeachment.

A question for the editorial staff: there are un-greye climate change deniers posting under this article and other Earther articles. Why does Earther bother giving them a platform when we know they’re trolls/shitlords/doubt sowers, or just generally ignorant of science? It seems like the bare minimum is to ban them

Small correction to:

It’s so true! I wish I could be a guy that eats beef and quotes the very current movie The Interview!  Maybe someday.

I guarantee if this half-wit lives in Florida, he’ll be bleating about needing a rescue when the surge flood from a cat5 wipes his house off the map.

Whoa, you eat beef!? Holy shit, you must get all the ladies!!!! Look out, everybody! We got a beef eater here!

They’re not mutually exclusive. Usually when I donate to an animal charity after a disaster I’ll also donate to a human one, like Doctors Without Borders or World Central Kitchen (Chef José Andrés).  

But the Iron Cross is based on the Bolnisi cross in the same way the German swastika was stolen from India.

Sorry you’re struggling with this!

Jesus Christ, no one’s actually talking about banning him from talking, just that non-scientists shouldn’t be given a platform in a major publication to discuss fucking science.

From the article:

No, no, no. Nothing you wrote is true. This shows the danger of bro-science understanding of science.