James Glover

They're goats not sheeps.

If you look on the internet you'll find this one strange tip doctors don't want you to know about that will make you look 50 years younger.

To be fair a few weeks under the harsh Australian sun does age people.

Dick Scanner, International Assassin.

As Dr Zoidberg's machine worked and he then built one on "the other side" to send Nora back then presumable he could offer the 2% people the chance to go back to the 98% side. Somehow though I think people might appreciate a world with only 140 million inhabitants (6 million in the whole of the US). Sure there are no

No, they pretty much chuck it in the nearest park or lay by for the council to pick up. As for the clothes, they do look like something Victoria Beckham would design.

Perhaps we could have an alternate reality where "saved by love" doesn't work and then have Voldemort and The Master duke it out for control of the Earth.

If she had been Galadriel in LOTR she not only would have taken the ring from Frodo she'd have handed it to Sauron: "So he will spare my own Elves". Moral courage is about doing what is better for everyone, not just the person/people you care about.

The hardest thing is that we are so invested in these characters. Coming into the final season the easiest thing will be for Elizabeth to go back to the the USSR with Paige and leave Phillip in the US with Henry. No worries if they do that. Just give us a post Soviet scene circa 2010 where they get to meet up again.

Keri Russell deserves an Emmy for her incredible work in this episode alone. I just love watching her face as she acts impossibly contrary emotions and thoughts. She makes me think about myself. Few actors do that.

I love TM and OB and its back on in a few weeks!

I have driven down Nicholson St in Melbourne thousands of times, where President Kevin gives his speech outside the Melbourne Museum with the Royal Exhibition Building in the background. I wish I had know they were filming, I would have loved to dress me up in some white and be an extra.

G'day, my name is agent Dick Scanner.

Will this be the year that Bob Odenkirk, Rhea Seehorn, Michael McKean and Jonathon Banks are shown some Emmy love? I vote for JB first. They'll be up against the A Handmaid's Tale cast so hard to beat Ann Dowd for Best Supporting Actor. Also The Americans and American Gods. Not to mention Twin Peaks 2.0 which I

When I saw those drums I was hoping we'd see Badger and Skinny Pete. Maybe soon when Jimmy returns!

Appreciate your insight. I agree Bob Odenkirk was brilliant in that scene, he kept it right on the edge so it took me a while to be sure he was acting. But of course the anger/self pity was real. I hope there is an interview with him about it.

Thanks. Great article because it says pretty much everything I believe about Walt, Skyler and Kim. Perhaps people feeling unsympathetic to Skyler White was not what VG intended and that is just another thing about the show. to think about and discuss, if you want to. But the setting up of "I hate Skyler White" forums

It's the tv show with the dumb name, not the actress. I think it is exactly what the writers meant.

That could be the spin off of the spin off: "Better Fuck Chuck".

I've moved on. Now I am judging your lack of a sense of humour.