James Glover

Reality just got a little bit more fucked and it's bringing everything down with it. Tomorrow's forecast just went from "cloudy with sunny breaks" to "overcast with intermittent drizzle"

Speaking of Erin, i really hated it when Erin Way's character was killed on Colony. I loved to watch just to hate the evil little toxic troll. Now what am I supposed to do? Feel sorry for her new character. She just got what her old character deserved.

When good actors have to play someone who is a bad, or mediocre, actor, how do they go there? Do they take something like "the drunken man always tries to walk straight" and invert it?

Actually I set my alarm for 15 minutes for my afternoon nap. If I sleep longer than that I wake up grumpy and tired. Oh wait, she did.

Now you're just making it worse.

That's interesting, I never got that about Skyler, I always thought she was great and caught up in a sh*t sandwich not of her making. Then again I never worshipped her husband "The Danger" like some people. I like Kim a lot (kudos to Rhea Seehorn's awesome acting chops, she's nailed those looks of vague self doubt)

"that one show with the dumb name"? I'm pretty sure she meant Rose McIver from "iZombie".

Liv is played by an Aussie (well a Kiwi, but we claim all the successful ones as our own) so she was a playing an American badly impersonating a Brit. That's an actual accent by the way, Americans badly impersonating Brits, they usually mention the Queen or tea or say "guv'nor" or all three for extra points: "Give the

You should have added: "Don't judge me". Cause now I am.

I didn't get in the opening scene that Blaine's second, unspoken request was he be turned again. I had to go back and watch it again after reading this. Then I was confused when I realized he was a zombie again. Thanks for clearing that up.

How come everyone loves Kim but so many, if not a majority, hated Skyler? Both had partners who were breaking bad. Kim knows things earlier and tries to set up some boundaries which Jimmy keeps crossing. Maybe Skyler should have said, cheerfully and without judgement: "look if you want to be a drug king pin and run a

So she went swimming to try and drown herself. We all know Garvey's don't drown so easily. Maybe next week she'll meet St Kevin in "the other place".

Calm down. I don't have a problem with Neil Gaman's work. I haven't read American Gods but I like some of his other stuff (1602 anyone?) it's the way they are presenting it. Just one long artfully shot festival of violence or the threat of violence. People have already commented that they have changed the story to

I know this is not going to be a popular view but when Emily drove over and killed the guard I felt sorry for him. Sure some of the guard are probably a-holes who deserve death but there would be others who just do it to survive. I was actually hoping she would drive at speed into a wall and kill herself. Not because

Well spotted. I can see a crossover episode where zombie Huell visits his brother Clive in an episode entitled "Huell on Earth" or perhaps "Huell is other Zombies".

Chuck thinks the Laws of Man are the moral equivalent to the Laws of Physics. Jimmy knows that it is just another way of scamming the gullible.

You know writing something today where someone three hundred years ago predicts what happens between then and now isn't actually that awesome. If you think about it for about 3 seconds.

You mean like where slavery and jazz and sh!t happens and your little mind is blown because it all came true? Like, how did he know???

Dry your tears Kellyanne. Big Daddy can't be here for you forever.

I had high hopes for this show but the last 10 minutes, and everything that came before it, just showed they have already run out of ideas. It's just going to be tension building (yawn) and some gratuitous violence, or not, and some very cliched shots of blood and other ickiness that Trueblood was doing 10 years ago.