James Glover

If you believe these people then you also believe that there is a cure for cancer so there is a good chance it will be found in the next 30 or 40 years before this baby grows up. So lit its twin live, chances are it won't make any difference anyway.

It is a pity they didn't play AC/DC's "Highway to Hell" as they are originally from Melbourne and one of the lane ways is called "AC/DC Lane". Instead they filmed it in Hosier Lane. Those are not random graffiti filled alleyways but part of the Lane Ways of Melbourne, a major tourist attraction, which usually have

Whenever people say this they should also acknowledge the awesome Ann Dowd who plays her and breathes life into this evil monster. Anyone who watched her in the first two seasons of The Leftovers know how brilliant she is at getting the audience to hate her character taking on a totally unsympathetic role. And The

Mrs Waterford: don't attack the message, attack the messenger.
Commander: don't you worry your pretty little head about it dear, I've got my best men onto it.

I didn't read all the comments, only the first million or so, but nobody seems to have picked up on this. In the cold opening set in our present Saul/Jimmy has some sort of attack, possibly a coronary. Assuming a manager at Cinnibon has medical coverage he is going to end up in hospital. And they are going to contact

Will "eye acting" become the equivalent of declamatory speech acting of the 1940s and '50s? Will people look back (pardon the pun) and go "enough with side eye already!" in 20 years time?

Please save us from Westworld musing on what will happen, and then "see I predicted that!". Enjoy the project, it's not about you.

The opening was brilliant because it was a trope feint. It looked (to me) like one of those "and then he wakes up and it was a dream", one of the most annoying tropes on tv (to me).

That scene where Chuck gets his penis out is really funny because you know it is a fake penis. When it sprung up it did not so so with the action of an erect penis. I suspect that half of Matthew Rhys's wry smile was that he kept losing it when they were filming the scene and finally managed to get through without

"Girls (who have self esteem or people pleasing issues)" should be the extended title of this program.

Wait what? So famous male authors should only accept blow jobs from famous female authors or publishers? Or is it okay if you met her at, say, a party but not on a book tour or a college campus? It sounds like the mistake those girls made was thinking giving Chuck a blow job would get them one more step up the ladder

You know how sometimes when people die in shows they come back. Sometimes you even see them killed but they return. They switch the body or some not very believable reason to get them back on the show. But with Devon, I can't really see that happening. Unless they clone her from the goo that was left on the wall. Hey,

Killjoys and Dark Matter. Still not forgiving them for cancelling Caprica.

The Omen Part XII

I thought this episode was quite boring apart from a couple of Eliot/Margo/Sloth highlights. It seems to me the Scooby Gang is moving way too slowly, with haste, to Season 7 of Buffy with avenging deranged gods and a general sense of nihilism already. I fully expect Brakebills to disappear into a giant hole in the

Not sure how he got into the building at night without a security pass. Randall's family always surprising him. I am pretty sure the reception desk would contact him to let him know someone white claiming to be his brother wanted to see him and he should come down to reception and sign them in. This is NY. After 911

Pax. I get that This Is Us is a different kind of show. One which pushes our buttons. And I keep watching because of that. I could do with some ersatz emotion at this point in history. But is it at all accurate in its portrayal of people in the jobs they do? No, I think it gets it laughably wrong. I spent a long time

I've worked in that sort of job. He is probably making between 2 and 10 million dollars a year. His family gets a lifestyle few other could even dream about. You have a problem with work/life balance Randall? Either go into the toilet cubicle and have a little cry, snort some blow, or do something else with your life.

The people in this show are so self centered and needy. Especially Randall. He manages to make his ego based work issues more important than Kevin's career make or break opening night AND his father dying of cancer. People get over their personal issues without requiring a cast of thousands to support them. I really

Many innocent people are murderd. One has heart pulled from his chest. Penny has his hands cut off and lives. But your take on this episode is that rape is the worst, yeah.