James Glover

One of the wights needs to lift up their arms or something and say "undeadius upstandingus".

If you look at Peter Dinklage's face when he is delivering those lines to stop Dany going he has this sort of: "I can't believe my character would do and say stupid shit like this" look.

She could totally play Meryl Streep in a biopic of her life.

I did that the second time I watched BSG in a massive 2 week binge. I still didn't watch the last two episodes because I knew they weren't going to satisfactorily resolve the whole Starbuck thing.

Is there a cab ride sharing company called Unter?

I used to buy the Buffy season discs and binge watch them in 24 hours. That theme music really shits you after a while.

Wasn't Convolution the evil corporation in season 3 they took out? I forget some of the names.

I wouldn't say Coady was despatched easily. She was taken down at least three times and left for dead and then came back, since season 4 at least. I'm still not convinced she is really dead. I was hoping Arthur would shoot her a couple of things mes to make sure.

I thought cameos were a brief but unsuccessful line of caramel oreos.

I know that no matter how evil or annoying they are tv shows can't kill child characters because killing kids is really, really bad and doesn't have any dramatic value unlike, say, depicting a rape or a beheading. Of course they can die of cancer or in a school bus crash or in the Upside Down but not like shot o

That and the blood of baby cave elves.

Clive James was terminally ill before GoT started on tv and will (hopefully) outlast it.

Jon: "We've less than 10,000 men"
Davos: "fewer"
Jon: "Isn't that what I said?"
Davos: "No, men are counted as single units so it is "fewer" not "less""

Tyrion vs Kira. Fair fight.

My money is on Helena.

Frankly it showed.

In a fight between the Starks, Clone Club and the Sense8s what match ups would you like to see? Who do you think would win the ultimate battle?

Hey, those are real CGI people getting burned alive. Show some respect.

okay apart from Bruce Springsteen who I am guessing does not ever refer to himself as "The Boss" either, because he totally is. And Bruce gets it.

God please someone say we've reached peak "like a boss" it's the most irritating phrase ever. I always imagine someone with a very high pitched voice going "I'm a boss" because you would literally have to be that stupid not to realize that no one who was "a boss" would ever say it. Just had to get that off my chest.