James Glover

And was found eating them with the dead experimenter whose throats she slit lying in a pool of blood next to her.

Riley= every LWB on television ever.

He's certainly no Skyler Wexler.

We all die. Well maybe not her.

The closest GoT has to a liberal is Tyrion "let's try and keep the slaughter to a minimum" Lannister.

There was the famous Chinese admiral who was somewhat confusingly known as "three jewel eunuch"

Maybe it was a very small boat which just looked a lot bigger when backlit in the fog.

Barbra, Baa Baa, Babar, Barbie. She goes by many names.

A person would no more forget what their dog (or dire wolf) looked like than they would their own child. I take it Arya meant "you've changed" and Nymeria was thinking the same thing about her so they went their separate ways as they no longer needed each other and both had other responsibilities and business to be

By this point you'd have expected Felix to at least Skype in to Mrs S or Sarah. Very curious. They could devote an entire episode to the shenanigans in Geneva but there are only 4 more to go, ever! Unless Felix is getting his own spin off as an international agent who always nudes up before killing the big bad each

Is Skyler Wexler the love child of Skyler White and Kim Wexler? Orphan White?

Can you ever trust the people who invented stretch pants and then told us it was okay to wear them outside the house? Civilization ended on that day the Apantsocolypse began.

Or you can just buy them at Target for a tenth the price.

Yeah everyone is into "normcore" these days until you tell them they have to shop at Target to "get the look".

Yes, a variation on: "Don't forget who I am" or "Do you know who I am?". Not: "Surprise! Don't you recognize me after all these years?".

No!!! We sacrificed ourselves so you could be saved.

Also Carl in the books is a child murdering little thug and much cooler than in the tv show.

Philadelphia Freedom Fighters. They could have at least played the Elton John song.

He dodged a bullet with The Hobbit shite to make this show instead?

No actually Mudd, both the character and her bad actor, is the most annoying child actor on Orphan Black, far worse than Kira.