
I like SORTed a lot too, though it certainly isn’t the video series to go to for diversity in cooking. The five guys at that site do seem to have more genuine fun with each other and food than I perceived in the BA videos.

if you ban my flag you are stepping on my second Amendment right

Not getting compensated for the drop-ins makes sense. They shoot in a big open kitchen, there’s no way to budget for who is going to be in the frame, or who might wander over and ask what somebody is working on. It basically turns into ‘extras’ vs. ‘speaking roles’ and short of everyone in the test kitchen joining SAG

Trigger Me Elmo

Calling Tucker a clown is an insult to clowns.

molly sucks.  that she included andy because he looks white into her post even tho hes persian says enough.  she doesnt know or care about anyone else.  

but come on, the only thing teachers ever get for free are tons of unnecessary BS and a 6-month long cold

Although I don’t agree with you 100%, I want to thank you for an intelligent counter-point. So often these days you see people sounding off with someone they don’t agree with that descends into name-calling and accusations of “Snowflake/Libtard etc etc”. Intelligent and respectable debate is a lost art.

I agree that gun culture isn’t well described by looking at the raw numbers of guns. Like you said, I know lots of people who hunt as their primary hobby, and my husband has started dipping his toe into sharp shooting and trick shooting communities and it’s a lot like any skill that takes practice.

I agree. I never said he should be.

He wasn’t a criminal, he was a suspect. And even a criminal doesn’t deserve to be run over.

It is incumbent upon the officer to treat any and all suspects with decency and respect. The law established the concept of innocent until proven guilty, and the streets aren’t courts of law. Escalation of force should be used sparingly, and only in cases where a person presents an active and clear danger to the

I thought they stopped giving cops mustangs for this exact reason.

The FBI was so eager in asking for footage of protesters that might have broken the law but I wonder what they are doing with all the footage of police brutality endangering people’s lives.

Oh, good. Even a low speed impact could hurt Otto/Auto. After all he is Chapel Hill 2020 Hillclimb Classic Champion. 

The YouTube channel in question is the popular B is for Build

quiznos is italian for ‘toasted trash’

It really sucks that NYC only has one street cars can drive on.