I understand our city uses summer students to study aerial photos to look for home improvements, swimming pools and extensions, etc. that have been made without building permits.
I understand our city uses summer students to study aerial photos to look for home improvements, swimming pools and extensions, etc. that have been made without building permits.
He likely gave the consent when he signed the policy, they have the right to inspect your property whenever needed.
If it’s in the contract he signed he’s pretty much screwed, full stop. Then again what’s the use of that much junk anyway.
The insurance company was in the right here! The Corvair is “unsafe at any speed”. Any speed!
“Blaming ACL tears solely on our biological makeup, however, is inherently problematic.”
Windshields aren’t the only place that Elon can’t get rid of grimes.
I always suspect there’s a hint of sincerity to the please-take-my-wife (husband)-comics.
$28.8 million?
If anything, I saw waaaay more backlash to his divorce. I’ve barely seen any about hers. There also seemed to be a lot of backlash because Mulaney talked so well about his wife until the divorce (blindsided!), which uh... certainly isn’t the case for Wong!
LOL, that John Mulaney didn’t receive backlash after his divorce. I didn’t know about Ali Wong’s divorce so I don’t know what the chatter has been about, but there is no way people didn’t consider Mulaney’s divorce “problematic” too... whatever that means.
Uh, John Mulaney’s divorce was insanely criticized all over the place. This is some revisionist history to act like he didn’t get a ton of heat for it.
Looks like he worked even “harder” than her... xD
“These oddities would make a little more sense if (and only if) he was one of those anti-zoo activists who believe animals outside their natural habitats are in danger.”
“Even so, the conditions of his home don’t suggest they’d be in safe hands.”
Couldn't they have picked a dead person to name it after. Naming things after living people always seems weird to me.
Maybe the problem isn’t having too many engineers, but having too many executives with unrealistic ideas about their ability to predict the future.
So now we’re calling this racist? Grow up, it’s a stupid award given for reasons most people don’t give a rat’s ass about...
Anything that gets roads fixed is a good step.