
The hallmark of the left is tolerance of beautiful diversity. Which means we have a hard time organizing in a monolithic way for very long. The right has a monomania for conformity and obedience. So they’re constitutionally inclined to march in lockstep.

Yeah, hate and fear seem much easier to communicate than empathy and responsibility.

Sexism is not a wrong perpetuated by men. It’s an institutional force that affects all of us. The fact that motherhood results in lower pay for women is sexism at work, as it reflects a system that values certain kinds of work over others, and accommodates people who have fewer family responsibilities (men) while

Yeah, it’s also a huge reason companies are hesitant to even hire early-mid 20 year old women. They can basically hear your biological clock a tickin away.

If you want to have a child, but you also want to continue working, it’s really hard. A lot of new mothers are forced to quit their jobs (even if they’d rather

Yes, but child rearing is part of the economic problem- this is a societally-necessary task that overwhelmingly affects women more than men, and women are not compensated for performing this work. This is why some countries have started to pay people to have children and stay home with them- women are reluctant to

I hate this so much, I had a pretty decent job and I got pregnant and my husband and I decided that I was gonna stay home at least for 5 years raising our child. My replacement was hired and it was a guy, when training him it came up that his salary was going to be 20k more a year than I made and his qualification

“It takes a lot for white people, cis people, straight people, basically, anyone in a dominant group, to step outside of themselves and recognize their privilege.”

Really, white men? There’s nothing you want to know about yourselves? Like, why does all American mainstream male homosocial bonding require copious amounts of alcohol? Why being the default sex requires you to remain unconscious at all times, because even the tiniest inquiry into the absurd, ridiculous narrowness of

“Why isn’t there a ‘Men’s Studies’ class, huh? Discriminate much, liberals?”

Did you notice the ‘Eat Whoever You Want’ part of the cover?

He’s really going to lose his shit when he learns that women attend college now, too.

The most recent picture of Sen. Steve Nass.

The stereotype that white people always carry ranch dressing around with them is not cool anymore. When you say ‘He’s already got his, that white boy over there’” don’t just fucking assume I’m carrying my own ranch dressing around with me you hurtful monster. I need it for my tenders and when you assume that I already

Keep in mind, these are the same people that mock the concept of triggering and safe spaces. The people that go on television and break down in tears over “No, the white guy right there.” They mock triggering and safe spaces.

I had cops hitting on me when I was a teenager in trouble. I have a friend (actually my BIL’s) who’s a cop and even he’s kind of a... You can tell what he does for a living. I have so many stories of cops behaving in a creepy and illegal and immoral manner. I wish they were held to the same standards as citizens.

This is the kind of shit that makes me take a really long pause when I’m asked to show my support for the “heroes in blue.” I’m just a white woman who hangs out in a largely white circle, but even I’ve seen cops go weirdly overboard on “suspects” for minor, minor crap like this. Frankly, this is how I define a thug.

I know the feeling: Dean Cross, I am an editor now. Of course, I still can’t spellcheck or proof read with a crap, but at least I have PEOPLE for that.

Now I’m just wondering how the fuck they got (and many still are getting) away with it for so long.

I spend about 90% of my existence dwelling on my mistakes, then dwelling on how stupid it is to dwell on my mistakes, then beating myself up over the fact that dwelling on your mistakes/dwelling on dwelling on your mistakes is still obsessing over yourself and that makes me a fucking selfish narcissist so of course

Thank you. There is so much pressure to move on all the time! And I realized over the years that “moving on” means “stop talking about it incessantly to your friends” because people just stop giving a shit. Even your real friends. Because everyone is dealing with their own shit and they can only spend so much time