
Women’s bodies are very delicately balanced compositions of sugar and spice built around an occasionally bleeding shame void. Exposing too much of this fragile structure to the elements will destroy it utterly. Men, fortunately, have a special granite/steel alloyed carapace that protects them from even the most

I watched her on Charlie Rose and started to wonder if she was legit, then remembered her body of work. Then this. Then that. Then what the fuck does she stand for? Whatever you want her to stand for, apparently. I’m a journo major who chose other avenues for income, but my education tells me she lacks the neutral

Absolutely no one gives a shit about your opinion of Mariah Carey.

Pay’s shit

Ahhh, yes, the questions trap. One time I knew I was doing something right as a mother was when my very religious aunt insisted on taking Kidlet to her Seventh Day Adventist church for about two weeks when he was around five or six. There was some kind of talk in the lil kids’ bible school about Jonah being like

Doesn’t she know Christianity is about living the simple life? Coloring the Bible is just so gauche.

“I think that computers have complicated lives very greatly. The whole age of computer has made it where nobody knows exactly what is going on.”

If only Netanyahu stopped the settlements, there would be peace.

The cognitive dissonance required to portray Obama as both a tyrant ruling the country through executive action and a wimp who got pushed around for eight years is impressive. Building up that tolerance for contradiction must have laid the groundwork for disenfranchised voters to convince themselves that Trump would

I’m so unbelievably sick of every statement about Israel not handling its shit in a way that shows even a modicum of respect for the human people living in Palestine being colored as antisemitism.

This. I struggle with alcohol (thankfully LSD isn’t addictive or I’d be in big trouble), and you have no idea how many people will say “You should just drink less”. Like...that’s a completely normal train of thought for some people.

ROSE: I don’t understand addiction.

On the other hand, most Germans weren’t on board with actual genocide either circa late 1930s, and yet it happened. Hence, I regularly find the ones who will quietly let this shit slide for their pockets’ sake juuuust a little more frightening than the ones that are screaming for it.

It’s already their business model.

Here’s the other thing: if he was going for some deep academic thought, it’s lost completely on twitter as a medium. All you have to do is show that one tweet to people and whatever other argument you were going for is gone and lost forever. It’s the wrong place to try to do some high minded thought

You have to do it JUST right so that it’s clear the opponent is the idiot but you don’t seem like a jerk. John Stewart is an amazing example of it, like when he took down a woman who claimed she had read the whole ACA and there were death panels and other bad things and brought a binder onstage with the printed bill

I’m pretty sure it was a slave revolt and people were being killed for, ya know, participating in/being complicit in slavery.

When you’re so fucking privileged that your race’s version of genocide is interracial marriage, immigration, and people voluntarily not having a lot of kids.

Idiot posts something idiotic, other idiots react to it idiotically. Got it.

“Teen Vogue” doing what mainstream media critics aren’t willing to, Especially by name, and to the perpetrator’s face.