
Because he tells his base there’s nothing wrong with them, everyone else is the problem, and this fed perfectly into the anger conservative media has been stoking in them for decades now.

He is the Troll in Chief.

They only believe Fox News. Seriously.

Here here! 7th gen Cali girl. Several ancestral lines from Mexico. We’ve worked everything from the fields to the operating rooms, helping make this state the decent place that it is.

Or rather, that’s what her tone-deaf, fictional story implies.

But i’m pretty sure she wasn’t trying to get paid by anyone for her original piece. It was an IG post.

I used to think the part of 1984 where everyone had a spy cam in their house was ludicrous because how could a government successfully force that on people? And then I got an echo as a gift and was like, “Oh, we just put them in our homes ourselves.” Genius!

Very secure packaging. Nothing was damaged on mine.

Very secure packaging. Nothing was damaged on mine.

I bought these three days ago! They’re cute.

I bought these three days ago! They’re cute.

There are so few reasons to even challenge it, so your approach seems best.

You watch Fixer Upper and you’re complaining about repetition in decor and design? WHAT ABOUT THE SHIPLAP??!!!!!!

I care!

You do not at all have to appeal to members of both parties. All you have to do is turn out your base, and shitting on Democrats, liberals, immigrants, and brown people does that for Trump.

And black people in the south would have remained enslaved?

You can do it! If you’re anything like me, you’re still gonna pour money into it though.

I love them. They’re the only watchable design show on HGTV.

Who ends up happy?

People are fun. People are hot. Pants don’t always come off because of this.

It’s an expected tradition in some cultures. Do you freak out at Jewish weddings when they throw people up in chairs? Relax.

College and moving into the dorm is what my townsfolk gave $ after hs for.