Reason #573 dealerships suck and you should be legally allowed to purchase from a manufacturer.
Reason #573 dealerships suck and you should be legally allowed to purchase from a manufacturer.
GM will probably exceed 200,000 by the end of the years and lose those tax rebates.
Doesn’t Peter Fonda flip them off as they escape at the very end?
The symbolism of the Confederados eating at a table mimicking the Last Supper and then being brought back from the dead makes me think William is being set up as the Devil.
It’s not 1998, all the carriers are the same monopolistic companies as the other.
Once for each breast she cut off??
Maybe there wasn’t an abortion, but a birth?
I’m still dissapointed that you cannot go to the website of GM/Ford/FCA/etc and custom configure a vehicle and have it built and delivered to your house.
Contract Law exists for a reason.
Palin never ran for President.
Is almost like the NFL leadership are all Penn State grads.
Banana in the tail pipe will take care of that Subaru.
Don’t blame the lawyers, both of these morons were aware of how much lawyers billed per hour when they initiated this fiasco.
No one wants that last crayon in the box.
There’s nothing wrong with seeking the assistance of a professional girl.
Corporations walk away from debt all the time and remember, corporations are people too.
The man signed a contract, walking away is an option included in every contract.
I agree, sometimes walking away is the best thing to do.
I would never buy a former rental car. I know I driven the heck out any rental I get, so i assume everyone else does as well.