
And now you know why dealerships are fighting so had to keep Tesla from selling cars direct.

Ron Paul lost to Phill Gram in 1984 in the Texas Senate race. He then ran for president on the Libertarian ticket in 1988 ( he lost that also ). He was then elected as a Congressman from Surfside, TX.

FYI: blankets are not sanitized between flights, only at the end of the day

If your talking about California’s Coogan Law, it merely states that 15% of the child’s earnings be set aside for them when they turn 18. Parent say are free to spend the rest of the money on whatever.

So, I’m guessing they are not working on new hi tech condoms?

It’s happening.

Under lost $1.5 billion last year. By 2022 they will have lost $10 billion or so.

5 years...sounds appropriate given Sandusky’s predilection for 5 year olds.

Spare fits just fine on the bottom, not sure why you'd want it on the back?

If there's no metal key, how do they unlock them when the battery dies?

In Afghanistan, just showing an uncovered women’s face in a print magazine or advertisement is considered pornography and is forbidden. This has not solved the problem of rape.

“Attorney General Ken Paxton says the lower court judge got it wrong and Mirasol is to blame for not stopping in time to avoid the collision”

How do you know what piss tastes like?

No, Foos told him that he witnessed a murder. There is no evidence it ever occurred, like most of the book.

Ken Starr?

A big part was in order to take another coaching job, he would be required to no longer have a ‘hands on management’ role in Secind Mile. And you know how much he liked sex.

Oh, those trials will happen.

Sandusky never got a head coach job because every college wanted him to step away from his work at Second Mile.

Well there was that police investigation after that mother figured out what was going on and the police made him promise to stop showing with little kids.