
I usually take a while to name my character, deciding on something that fits with the type of character I'm going to play.

A test of reach vs endurance...?

I notice you include the caveat "which you enjoyed"— it is entirely possible to enjoy the company of a person and have no real emotional attachment. As for sex: it is by nature pleasurable. That doesn't mean that is entirely possible to have one or multiple heterosexual relationships before realizing they are gay.

because obviously, if you've previously had a hetero relationship there's no way you could be gay.

promoted so hard. SO HARD.


My religious "falling out" occurred, perhaps ironically, at a church function.

But seriously, that "study" seems like it had the target statement in mind prior to its findings, and furthermore you could apply the same statement to all forms of entertainment going back many years.

A Mizzou study? They do those? Pffft...

Correction: The One X international will have a 1.5 GHz Tegra 3 quad core cpu.

Haated it.

I refuse to acknowledge the next Xbox by anything other than the Xbox Delta.

I'm not sure. Stole it from Google.

Regardless of exclusivity rights on dlc I think its crap that PlayStation ELITE subscribers are still subjected to the 30 day wait. ELITE should go around the rights as its not packaged dlc freely available on the marketplaces.

Almost all of those are amazing.

Yay Brida!

I have that problem so many times. What I usually end up doing is stopping the page halfway, the article is there and I'm able to scroll it.

88,286 deaths.

Wow, 700 hours, all free for all.

Nintendo's lack of a use system and purchase tracking on the Wii has burned me on the system. I won't be getting a Wii-U unless they fix this; get rid of the friend code system, give us a log in, and allow to redownload purchased titles for free.