
My first thought: SAVAGE DRAGON! fuck yea!

I have this issue on PC as well. I think the last PC game I actually "finished" would be Torchlight, despite a growing purchase list on steam.

yea, I drink a lot of the stuff. I've been getting better; no soda in the house. But eating out and working in a place that only stocks Pepsi means a lot of Dew consumption. Probably a good thing they don't bottle Baja Blast, my favorite flavor of radioactive sludge.

i love you, xkcd.


Congrats brida on the republish, loved the article the first time I read it.

Hrm, maybe that's why it took about 4 years of marriage to conceive.

I don't care. I'm a bit bummed about the story shift, but understand why. Other than that, Platinum Games = love. Kojima Pro = love. Platinum Games + Kojima Pro? OH HELL YES

"We've already seen at least one fight that requires the player to make specific slashes."

I used the Logitech Playgear Pocket, which was basically the same thing as that, just came out before the official.

I'm agreeing with the thought that its iOS5. after the update dropped, I've been hearing from many people at work, friends, and via twitter that their battery life drastically changed for the worse.

Runs fine here. just fine.

I had my overclock to 3.4 for about a year (stable with OCCT). Then for a while I was having freezing issues, various fixes weren't working, lowering the OC to 3.0 was what did it. I still freeze on occassion, but nothing as frequent as I was at 3.4.

it could also be that the native video (fraps gameplay) was at a faster framerate than youtube. iirc youtube is 30 fps.

good lord the pop in I've been seeing hasn't been NEARLY that bad. damn that's terrible.

I haven't had any issues, short load times, game looks gorgeous. Only nitpicks I have are I do get some texture pop in and a little screen tearing when making quick movements (would be related to v-sync, correct?). I haven't checked, there might be a driver update, but the newer geforce drivers have an update alert,

I haven't noticed that, two, three shots, tops with the pistol on average. Less with the double barrel and combat shotgun.

yea I realise that. Planning on picking it up; unfortunately I know it'll just go on my ever growing backlog right now. :/

I played a bit of BGII at a friends a long time ago. Liked what I played, just didn't own a computer, much less one that would run games, at the time. I should pick that up off GOG at some point.

I enjoyed this game. Granted I waited and picked up on sale from amazon at the $30 price point, albeit early in its release. I haven't picked up the dlc for it, but I thought the base game had some solid gameplay and an engaging story, not without its flaws in either category.