Staxamillion McBucksley

I’m sure someone will correct me if I’m wrong, but I remember Hue Jackson being a power-grabbing, manipulative, back-stabbing asshole when he was coaching in Oakland. I’m pretty sure that’s what got him shitcanned so quick out there. Well, that and being an awful head coach.

Man, that must suck for Notre Dame fans. I guess it’s fortunate they’ll never be legitimate national title contenders.

Hmmm. I think the first and most important criteria is wins/losses. One loss is better than two. And if a conference title really were the most important factor, OSU wouldn’t have been in it last year, and Notre Dame would be categorically excluded from the playoffs entirely. So evidence suggests you may want to

Precisely. Ferrari and Porsche make money. Lotus did not. It is possible that “great driving experience and literally nothing else” is a bad business model.

Keep in mind also that if OSU were to get in, they would have a rematch against the Clemson team that obliterated them last year. The selection committee reasonably wanted to avoid that scenario, since there is no reason to believe OSU would have fared any better this year. It’s just one more reason to choose Bama.

There are 4 playoff spots (for now). There are more than 4 conferences. So winning your conference clearly doesn’t guarantee an invite to the playoffs. I don’t see how your logic holds up.

Booger McFarland actually broke it down best.

I don’t think they’re punishing OSU for scheduling Oklahoma, they’re punishing us for getting waxed by Iowa. And for not looking particularly dominant in any of our signature wins. I’ll rep the Buckeyes till my dying day, but we should not have gotten in over Bama this year.

Is it a coincidence that the first son of an overbearing, emotionally abusive father could have confidence issues and shy away from failure? This was not unforeseeable and it is not something he’ll outgrow one day. Just sayin.

I said this in a different post, but I’ll repeat it here.

Am I missing something? What exactly does the NFL hope to get out of this deal? An end to the protests? How? Even if the players on the coalition all agree to stop protesting, how does that prevent anyone else from protesting? The coalition isn’t the NFLPA; they have no authority to tell any player what they can or

“aesthetically punitive quarterbacking”

Here’s an example of the problem:

You no lie. Holy comma splices, Batman!

I think Warner Bros saw the global box office returns from the Marvel movies, compared them to their own, and decided they wanted to be more like Marvel. Making things that people want is usually safer and more profitable than making people want the things that you make.

OK, this was the good shit. Well done, sir.

Area Reporter: “So, Mr. Fraughton, do you have any suggestions for a replacement nickname if your petition is successful?”

Couldn’t agree more. Rock Creek Park in mid-April is sumptuous.

BikeSare is a great way to get a tourist killed in the city. DC traffic is aggressive and unpredictable even for those of us who deal with it daily. It could be totally overwhelming for a newbie on a bike, especially if they don’t know where to look for the traffic lights.

Standing on the left can and will get you yelled at and/or physically assaulted. I’ve definitely been guilty of the former and witnessed the latter on more than one occasion.