The Imperial Way

Do you hear that clicking noise? That’s the sound of claws attached to some hideous beast blindly making it’s way towards you, the only audible words are a barely-gurgled “Brady...”Braaady”

Bob Costa is the living Avatar of pit pussy; his queen is Kristen Calimari.

Nothing from Buenos Aires?

As someone that saw Bigger/Longer/Uncut at the moving pictures with three friends Fuck You Detroit Rock City where we?

As one of those swine sheltering in a drafty hovel out here in Seattle I must ask the candidates about - Holy shit that bear is unlicensed!

It’s easy to say “pity them, they know not of what they speak.” This is still a decent place to remind us we’re not alone. Not that that’s much comfort but you have one handsome feline!

What was Parah Salin’s codename?!

Oh! Get mean! I don’t mean really really mean but dagnabit if you’ve been listening to this garbage you can at least be secure that you’re not a cruel person and have actual feelings.

I have the same remote! Colored buttons!

Yeah, I’ll see her in Hell...from Heaven! ETA - Gah no Summer Catch Image so no joke NM!

Jake Tapper resembles a bloated _____.

Serious, she’s not *that* old but sweet/merciful/crap

It’s just not the same w/out th ears. *le sigh*

It ends quickly as Alice is no longer in wonderland but drooling into her brussel sprouts.

Ok for fun she can’t be more than like 165lbs. So if we dart -> collar her she can be released back into the wld with a minimum of fuss.

There is a damn good reason why there aren’t many Simpson quotes past season 9 or so <- Hipster glas- wait, a new wall you say... lead on Comrade!

Alien 3 deserves a look. I was reading the book when Ballard Hardware burned. he ashes were falling from the sky.

I remember helping my friend move himself and his soon-to-be-ex. It was just the two of us and her telling wha goes where. Seven hours later we finished and the only thing I remember is that Nate Diaz or some shit and pot.

Shouldn’t she be tapped lightly on the nose with the sports page whilst gently speaking in reassuring tones that she is, in fact, a naughty girl?