
Yeah, it's definitely 2 sizes difference for shoes, clothes is a different story.

The "she was acting older" angle is disgusting. You shouldn't rape 17, 32, 90 year old women either, so what's their point?

Yeah, and she has to "seduce" Jafaar to help Aladdin doesn't she? Sexuality is her only power, yay!

Universities generally have you agree to a code of conduct, and they can kick you out at their own discretion for violating that, or for tarnishing their reputation. Even if your actions were not illegal. I don't know why you brought up academic freedom in the first place.

was this letter written in an academic context? "academic freedom" =/= freedom to do whatever you like on campus.

He was expelled from the frat but not the university?

Yes! My American friends went off on me and said, "But don't you Europeans all kiss strangers all the time, how can hugs make you uncomfortable?!?"

Seriously. "International Women's Day, but don't get ahead of yourselves, bitches!"

Ice-T should be more appreciative of "dumb bitches". Where would his gangsta career be if "bitches and hos" weren't there for him to hate, objectify and degrade? Fuck him.

"Feminists don't care about women outside of America" also makes it sound like only America has feminists. Women outside of America are their own feminists, and not everyone "outside of America" needs America's help.

I've seen it often in legal language and super formal/old texts.

Haha, I have the same problem - jeans that fit my legs fall off my ass, I have to take in the waist/hips on everything. Time-consuming.

Why would you post an article that defines a woman's private self-worth as related to family, virtue and God? Makes it hard to take their conclusions seriously.

"lacks self-esteem?" Are 5-year-olds even self-aware enough to have self-esteem? And you can deduce these emotional problems from occasional pictures of her?

Yesss, that was the first thing I thought of.

maybe, but you don't have to be racist to be batshit.

Mike Tyson is the only celebrity abuser who sincerely feels remorse. His past few interviews are heartbreaking, like he really hates himself for how he's lead his life.

Yeah, this is what I think, but I don't think it will ever get to the national discussion level.

@kixiechic: Yeah, men's shaving cream, razors and deodorant for me. Still mad as a matter of principle, it's ridiculous.

Yeah but it still makes no sense, why would a gold digger want you to spend that money on an abortion? She doesn't get anything out of that. Or does he mean they get pregnant thinking they've hit the child support lottery and then he forces them to get abortions?