
That's not what she's implying at all, because you misread her comment.

It's so ingrained too. My roommate throws so much perfectly good food out, it drives me insane. Whereas I cut the mold off bread and cheese and fight the urge to take her stuff back out of the trash. I just can't handle seeing that much waste.

Same, and I got into fights with my friends about it all the time. I only got Facebook so I could at least see the pictures too. 3 years later I have profile pictures etc, but it still bugs me that there are pictures of me on the internet that I don't want up there, and that I can't do anything about it. It's creepy.

This is dumb. Australia and the US are different countries, and there are undoubtedly other factors involved as well.

She signed a contract for a certain number of albums, she can't just quit without delivering them. (Only Prince can do that).

Cool story. I stand by my statement.

Maybe, but I'm talking about the whole Born this Way drama, in which she took herself completely seriously.

Pretty sure she's completely serious right now. I get frustrated - there ARE people out there with interesting things to say, but it's these pseudo-intellectual muppets that get to talk. Ugh.

Except "sex as a weapon" has been the preferred phrase when describing systematic rape during times of war for a while now, so maybe it shouldn't be used to mean, "Women deny sex to guys who they totally owe it to."

No bra, no problem :)

I've heard this theory before. From a 12 year old. Care to cite your sources?


Does he know that women were once fetuses? Are we former people? Conundrum.

why are you only replying to me?

and debating this undermines the whole structure of federal taxes. you don't get to pick and choose what you pay for, your personal beliefs do not trump the legality of procedures you don't happen to agree with.

Tax dollars also go towards the death penalty, which many people fervently morally opposed to. Why should anti-choicers get an exemption?

Me neither.

unfortunately, yes.

Maybe the guilt of knowing how many people had to die for that cocaine to get out of central america and into their party is a turn-off?

lol two guys at my college did only Guinness and avocados for a week, it was not pretty. 40 days of being drunk and starving?