
Getting pregnant just to make a rich man pay for your abortion is like extreme gold-digging performance art, truly avant-garde.

"No 9-5? Devote those to your man !" just isn't a connection I can make. Was their career just a day job? Do they not have interests?

one of these things is not like the others.

I mean it's still a joke about her dead father. told to the world.

shut up with your tired body-snark.

4chan ARE the people making rude comments about Lara Logan. If they even know who she is, antisocial teenage boys and overgrown basement nerds that they are.

All very true. But the real problem is that she's all for capitalising off a leaked sex tape, pushing her daughters to do Playboy, Girls Gone Wild etc... but she draws the line at vibrators. Girls, get naked and objectified in public, but don't talk about actually getting yourself off?

@td7652: lol same. i feel so subversive, forcing men to look at my face.

Yes, you personally. And for me personally, pictures of naked women are meh, I'd rather look at Sylvester Stallone and his blank expressions. Statements like "women's bodies are just more beautiful" help nobody, and they didn't get written in a societal vaccuum.

i hate that quote. maybe "the beauty of the male body" just hasn't been shoved down all our throats as much. the greeks were pretty into it, but these days objectifiying it is so confusing and unfamiliar that even straight girls feel safer looking at other women. none of this means that the female body is inherently

IA completely. She's singing about sex and partying without trying to turn herself into a sex symbol. She is smart and sincere in interviews - compared to Lady Gaga trying to have a ~message no matter how incoherent and Katy Perry telling us how thankful she is for her tits, what is there to hate here?

Not surprised.

I think the age problem is more about taking it incorrectly. A panicked 13 year old is more likely to just pop it like an aspirin without reading the directions than an adult who isn't hiding her every move from her parents.

But most women meeting and falling in love with prisoners would have to actively seek them out. Whether they heard of them on the news or they found them on the prison pen pal things, or somebody said, "hey my friend is in incarcerated, want to write to him?" - the first thing they know about him is that they can't do

Yes. I move back and forth between the US and the EU, and I thought at first it was just that everything is sold in larger quantities, but no. Vegetables are actually just 3x more expensive, bread is full of sugar/HFCS and costs too much, I think even the price of milk is a lot higher.

It is often marketed as a "healthy breakfast for children" food, and they always stress the milk + nuts in it over the sugar and chocolate.

@the sea ghost: I do this too. One of my roommates hated me for it but then was super confused when the bill was 5x higher during the month I wasn't there. HA.

I like that they style her so ridiculously, good message for children. You can ~express yourself and dress for attention and without trying to be grown and sexy.

@longboarderlc: lol mine are about .5 inch past my fingertip and I do housework just like you. Excuse my excellent keratin :P

@integrandia: it's significant that she's blonde because it means she gets to bypass the consistent racial profiling that supposedly prevents terrorism.