
No-neck monster. Tyra would not approve.

@Morwynn: Aaaah I do everything but play fair and groom :(

@GTCosita: The instructions that came with mine (mooncup) said to do it at the very end, when you're done for the month. But I haven't been able to go through with it for a few months and nothing has happened, so whatever. I wash it in very hot water with soap.

@gertymac: Haha, it's just that they are total strangers and both really unfriendly any time I try to chat. If they even just politely asked, "Oh hey, what's this object you're boiling?" I would die. Explaining to hostile men that you just pulled something out of your vagina, oh dear.

The only awkward part for me is that you have to boil it after your period to sanitise it, and EVERY time I do this one of my (unpleasant, male) roommates walks in the kitchen, then I have to really awkwardly rescue it and scurry away. I don't think they would know what it was anyway but WHAT IF?

@quietlymakingnoise: It lasts way longer than a tampon, and since you can leave it in for like 12 hours, it's not that hard to time it so you can avoid public bathrooms. And even so, once you get the hang of it, removing/cleaning/reinserting takes like two seconds.

@tubestarer: "Let's be honest, the female body is just way more interesting than the male body."

I don't care, I wish men still dressed like peacocks.

@sarasasa: whole-heartedly agreed.

@Virginia(formerly Jen)loveshercurves: ugh... but then again admitting to rape excludes all the stand-up guys who don't know what rape is and genuinely think they are innocent and the woman is at fault. Which (in the US and Europe) is probably most rapists, since most rapes aren't done by strangers in an alley...

@Yoana: Perhaps it was the same man each time, wearing different disguises. No consideration for how hard he makes life for all the Nice Dudes out there.

@Canayan: targeting children is not reckless, because when it happened to me I was terrified and I would rather have died than tell anyone.

@jjjules: 4chan is not interested in women, it's just TITS OR GTFO. Better to inform the police or To Catch a Predator.

@NoaB: they are the dancers who played aliens in Captain EO. Are you serious?

@Diziet_Sma: I am neither a man nor a pervert, but they just want to humiliate you. Making you scared and ashamed makes them feel strong and manly. Doesn't seem to be about attraction at all.

My senior pictures, they made my blue hair black without asking or telling me. Still mad.

Once I walked into high school with my brother and one of his teachers complimented him on having such a pretty girlfriend. Yay!

@BobcatCorduroy: so embarassing for her and for the fool who wrote it. and for all their parents.